Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Final Questionnaire + Results

Here is my questionnaire asking for results on my music magazine.

Above are the results of my questionnaire in a number of graphs.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Final Product


Pages in progress

Here is my project as it develops.
Here is my front cover which i have started to design. I have a background, my artist and her name and a box for my title to fit into.
Here is my second picture where i have added some text, and a strap line.
Here is my finished front cover. It now contains the title, some more text (the song name + hook line for my magazine).
Here my contents page so far, it just contains the title and a picture of my artist.
Here is my finished contents page. It now includes the box to the left which contains the contents information in a black box which tells you everything which will be in my magazine.
Here is my article page so far. It contains a picture, a red box for a title of text to fit into, a couple of picture to show ifferent sides to my artist and a quote from my artist which is located in the black circle.
Here is the final draft of my article page which now contains the text (interview) and the text which i decided to include is the name of my artist new song which is in the red box.

Uploading of raw shots

Here are my pictures which i might use in my magazine.
Here is a medium shot of my artist. I think this could be used as a small picture on my article page as she is not looking at the audience so it is not classed as direct address.
This is my next picture, it as a medium shot and contains direct address. This can be used anywhere in my magazine.

This is very similar to the last picture and again can be used anywhere in my magazine.
I think this picture could be used as a smaller image on the article page to use up some space and show a different side of my artist.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Changes, Challenges and Complications

Throughout my project i havnt come accross many complications. For my photoshoot i said i was going to take pictures in the studio and outside. I managed to take a lot of pictures outside which turned out very good but unfortunately i didnt get chance to take any in the studio and when my 'star' was available the studio was fully booked and when it was free it became too late for me to take, upload and edit the pictures onto my magazine which was a real shame because the studio would of gave me great levels of lighting which i couldnt get outside plus my pictures would of been clearer and look more professional. There hasnt been any changes with my work or anything else in my project. Everything else other than the photoshoot has been simple and relitively straight forward.

Organizing my Time

12-02-11 - Finished planning my music magazine.
13-02-11 - Overlook all my ideas and ask people what they think of the draft.
15-02-11 - Photoshoot taking place.
17-02-11 - Make a start on my music magazine.
18+-02-11 - Continue with my music magazine until finished .

Draft article

Hello and welcome to my draft article. The name of my artist is yet unknown and will be soon decided. I think the name of my artist will be put in big bold letters on my article page and front cover next to my artist. This will bring attention for my artist to my target audience. In my article i think i will discuss their personal life which will include family and friends, how they became famous, the pressure of a grime lifestyle and any advice on how to cope with the pressure and advice on how to make it 'big'.  I still need to decide on an album name for my artist which will be known as soon as possible. I think on my front cover i will attatch a title which state : Exclusive interview !!! Here are some questions i will be asking my artist and a respomse i will expect. This is only an example and the real answers will be revealed in my final draft of my magazine. Studio: How did you first get into music and at what age? Artist: Well it all started when my family bought me some grime CD's when i was 14. I was inspired by the music and the lyrics it contained. I had always enjoyed music in the past but i definitely knew that grime was now my new favourite. I always thought of writing my own lyrics but i thought it was too hard and only certain people could do it but i couldn't of been more wrong. I talked to my mother about it a few weeks after she bought me some grime CD's and she said "you can do it if you put your mind to it". I took that to mind and decided to try my first lyric, surprisingly it wasn't as hard as i thought to rhyme my words as i had to write poems in school which involved lots of rhyming and from then on i got writing more and more of my own lyrics and got a few songs together. I told my friend who was like at brother to me at the time and he suggested i send my songs to a small label to see what they thought of it as he loved my music. I took his advice and luckily my uncle worked in the music business so it was easier than i thought to send my music in. They didn't get back to me for at least 6 months so i dropped the thought of ever becoming a music superstar but carried on writing music for the fun of it and my friends joined me and started making some music for my to spit my lyrics to. We made a great team together. After around 6 months the label got back to me and told me they liked my music but wanted to hear much more from me so i had to send in a whole CD. I was speechless just getting a good response from this label and as i hadn't had a reply for 6 months i had already wrote around a full CD, i just need a few more songs. I knew this CD had to be of excellent quality so i took a couple of weeks improving my whole CD to the best i could and i sent it off about 4 weeks after i got the reply. It took a couple of weeks for another reply but from then on they offered me an interview and i got a contract producing grime music. I absolutely loved my experience. Studio: What's your favourite part of your music lifestyle and why? Artist: Thats a tough one, i love the whole experience but if i had to pick out one part i guess i would have to say the recording of the music because i get to spit my lyrics to not only my label manager but i get it recorded in high quality and i get to listen to it to see how it sounds and to see if its time to publish my song officially to the public. Studio: What do your family think of you having 'made it big'? They are so proud of me. They are really happy for me but they don't get to see me as much as im always either away recording or im on tour.  Studio: Do you miss your family when you travel on tour? I do miss them very much and wish i could spend some more time with them. I try to come back to see them as much as possible but its hard when you have a busy lifestyle. We do keep in contact all the time through email and through phone but there's nothing like spending some quality time with your family. Studio: Do you ever take them with you or would they just distract you or get in the way? I would love to take my family with me as it means i could spend more time with them but my contract states that i can only bring along 1 guest on tour with me and it would be unfair to separate my family, plus they have grand children to look after from time to time. I have previously taken my mum on tour so i could spend some quality time with her and after the tour i came back to see my dad. I do miss my family but its just the life i have chosen.  Studio:Do you have any advice for the youngsters out there that want to follow in your footsteps? The main advice i would give it that you should never put yourself down, i did from time to time but my family helped me believe in myself i look where i am now. Definitely tell your family and friends to help you and support you and you will find it a lot easier. Never give up and stick to it and as long as you keep beliefe you can make it. Studio: Finally would you like to say anything to the Studio magazine? Well firstly i would like to thank you so much for giving me this oppertunity. This is the first interview i have had with a big named music magazine. I have had such a great time and would gladly come back in the future to do another interview anytime you wish. I would also like to say thanks to everyone that has taken interest in me and has supported me from the beggining weither fans, friends or family, i couldnt of got to where i am today without the support i have recieved. Finnaly my new single ...................................... is being released in shops on 4th of April so keep a look out for that as i think it is the biggest track i have recorded so far, and my 2011 album will be released in summer which is named 'Bang Tidy'. Thank you again and i shall hope to speak to you again soon.